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Beauty from within

Beauty from within

What you eat can do a lot for your skin, hair and nails. Most of our soil is depleted and lacking minerals such as magnesium, selenium and zinc. We don’t get enough nutrients from eating vegetables and meat.

Here are some easy ways to include more minerals in our diet:

β€’ Eat more nuts –Β Brazil, almonds, cashews, walnuts and ensure they are raw and unsalted. Just a small hand full a day.

β€’ Goji Berries – Or wolf berries, these red like dried berries look similar to sultanas, seen as a superfood, they are said to enhance the immune system, increase anti oxidant levels, lower blood sugar and increase red blood cell levels. You only need 10-15g a day.

β€’ Flax seeds – also know as linseeds are a great source of fibre. Flax seed oil is great in salads. Flax seeds help to remove toxins from the body nd regulate blood sugar, oestrogen and blood cholesterol.

β€’ Avocados / Olive oils Include fat in your diet to increase skin elasticity, as you age you need to eat more healthy fats with high omega3, it is known to promote supple skin.

β€’ Water – drink more water, make sure its filtered and at room temperature. At least 8 glasses a day, even more during exercise an warmer weather when you perspire more.

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